泰迪熊怎麼來的?暱稱Teddy的老羅斯福總統1902年在密西西比州州長的邀請下,參加了一場三天的打獵,卻老是打不到獵物,嚮導乾脆把一隻黑熊綁到樹上,請老羅斯福射擊,老羅斯福斷然拒絕。這件事被漫畫家畫到報紙專欄中,布魯克林一名糖果店老闆看到了,在櫥窗中放了兩隻老婆做的玩具熊,並在老羅斯福的同意下取名為Teddy's bears,這種熊後來被玩具商發揚光大。老羅斯福是至今 唯一一位在紐約市出生的美國總統。In 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt took a hunting trip in Mississippi. The President spotted nothing after 3 days of hunting. The guides tied a black bear to a tree and called him to shoot. T.R. refused to do so, felt it was unsportsmanlike. A political cartoonist drew a cartoon showing the story on Washington Post. A Brooklyn candy shop owner learned about the story from the newspaper. He put two wife-hand-made bears in his shop window and asked for President's permission to call them Teddy's bears. This led a toy company to mass produce them. 老羅斯福總統故居免門票。free admission to the T.R.'s birthplace.