


紐約大學有馬廄改建成的校舍,就在華盛頓馬房小巷(Washington Mews)裡。這條位在華盛頓廣場旁的小巷,氛圍在整個格林威治村裡獨樹一格。小巷最初是附近居民的馬房,為了顯示它是私人街道,1881年兩端打造了兩道門,1916年部分馬房改成工作室,吸引許多藝術家,成立惠特尼美術館的Vanderbilt Whitney就在這住過,1950年代,紐約大學租用大部分的建築並改成教師宿舍和辦公室,兩端的門也被學校換成現在看到的黑色大門。

Do you know that some of the NYU's buildings used to be stables? Located in north of Washington Square Park between Fifth Ave and University Place, Washington Mews is a private street which was first built as a row of mews. Gates at each end were erected in 1881 in order to show that it's a private street (NYU replaced the simple gates with new black gates later). Around 1950s, NYU leased most of the buildings and converted into offices and faculty housing.


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